Call of duty cold war - gameplay ita
Call of duty cold war - gameplay ita

Players take on the role of elite soldiers in covert operations, facing challenges that require swift reflexes and strategic planning.

call of duty cold war - gameplay ita

The gameplay is characterized by the fast-paced action and strategic depth that are hallmarks of the Call of Duty series. “Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified” capitalizes on the capabilities of the PlayStation Vita, delivering an intense, handheld Call of Duty experience. Each task reveals a piece of the story, contributing to an immersive narrative experience that aligns with the franchise’s legacy. The plot unfolds through a series of covert missions designed to test players’ strategic prowess and reflexes while keeping them on the edge of their seats. It acts as a bridge between the initial “Call of Duty: Black Ops” and its sequel, filling in the gaps and expanding the narrative scope of the series. The narrative is based on original fiction within this universe, charting the course of a new Special Ops campaign.

call of duty cold war - gameplay ita

“Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified” brings the thrill of the renowned Call of Duty franchise to the PlayStation Vita platform, offering players a fresh perspective on the Black Ops universe.

Call of duty cold war - gameplay ita