Ffmpeg resize
Ffmpeg resize

ffmpeg resize

Part 2: Best Alternative to FFmpeg to Crop VideoĪs you can see, it is a bit complicated for beginners to master the command lines of FFmpeg. For example, ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:v "crop=iw-100" output.mp4 means cropping 100 pixels from top and bottom of the original video. For instance, iw is the width of the original video and ih is the height of the original video. Note: We just share the basic crop filter. Now, you can go to your computer and check whether the output video is cropped as you wish. Replace output.mp4 with your output video file name and format.įor example, ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:v "crop=100:100:0:0" output.mp4 means crop the 100 x 100 pixels from top right corner of input.mp4 and save the cropped video named output.mp4. The first parameter refers to the width of the output video, the second means the height of the output, x is the horizontal opposition from where to crop, and the last one is the vertical position to begin cropping. There are four parameters in the crop filter, w, h, x and y. Replace input.mp4 with your video file name and extension. To crop a video using FFmpeg, run the command prompt as administrator and type in the command:įfmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:v "crop=w:h:x:y" output.mp4 If everything goes well, you will see FFmpeg details, like version number, configuration, etc.

ffmpeg resize

After installing, open the command prompt window, type ffmpeg and hit Enter key. Input C:\ffmpeg\bin\ on the Edit environment variable dialog and click OK. Choose Path, click Edit button and hit New.

ffmpeg resize

Next, click Environment Variables in the Advanced tab. Search for Edit the system environment variables, and open it. Extract the folder from the ZIP archive to the root of your system drive. Open your browser, visit and download the right package based on your system. The installation process might be different on Mac or Linux, but video cropping is the same. Part 2: Best Alternative to FFmpeg to Crop Videoīelow we share the throughout steps to crop a video with FFmpeg, from installation.Part 1: How to Crop a Video with FFmpeg.

Ffmpeg resize